by Eva | Jan 29, 2012 | Articles
There was a time when fish could fly and birds could live inside the sea. Water was hot and fire was cold and the body of the earth was made of a transparent substance and heavy clouds. Around the earth creatures lived, they flew and swam. They sang to the tune of the...
by Eva | Jan 29, 2012 | Articles
I do have a few ideas borne from experiencing my chaotic passions and I often think that being a Spaniard, a woman and a painter I mirror myself very much in Picasso’s character, hence why I have attempted to say something about him and his work. During my formative...
by Eva | Jan 2, 2012 | Uncategorized GET A DISCOUNT of 10%. Mention the code: EB10 in the comments box when ordering. Sequoia Tees will refund the 10% of your order within 2 working days.