About Eva Bosch

Eva Bosch is a Catalan painter, writer and video maker born in Barcelona. At present Eva lives and works in London with regular visits to her home town in Catalonia, combining her studio work with lecturing in the History of Art.

Above:  An exhibition of paintings by Eva Bosch at Benjamin Rhodes Arts, London, 25 September – 25 October 2024.

This video offers a glimpse into the exhibition’s private view and provides an intimate look at the creative process behind several of the featured paintings.

Shoes an Stars Exhibition
Homage to JF Champollion

Homage to JF Champollion,
oil on linen, 101x112cms, 1999

Pájaro pito verde

Pájaro pito verde,
oil on prepared paper, 55 x 77 cms, 1998

Light and darkness at home (interiors from Aşıklı Höyük), 2015-2021, Video 10 mins 25 secs

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Letter from Ken Kiff about teaching art

This video contains the reading of a letter written by Ken Kiff to Eva Bosch giving some ideas about possible ways of teaching art to young students. Eva was planning to apply for an Art teaching job in Barcelona, back in the 90's. (B&W photograph courtesy of the...

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Os espero el dia 17 de enero en la Casa dels Contes, en el barrio de Gràcia, Barcelona. Matthew Tree hablará de la novela y yo leeré algunos extractos de la versión original en catalán.
El libro està a la venta en línea en Amazon y en varias librerías de Barcelona y Palma de Mallorca.
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Lectura text original.
Gent de Facebook, si sou a Barcelona el proper 17 de desembre, us espero a les 18:30 a la Casa dels Contes (C/ Ramon i Cajal, 35, Barcelona 08012), per a la presentació de la meva novel·la "La nena del socaire". L’escriptor i amic Matthew Tree serà l’encarregat de presentar-la, i jo en llegiré alguns fragments que ell ha triat.

Aquesta breu novel·la ha anat evolucionant al llarg de més de trenta anys, en paral·lel amb la feina de pintora al taller. Aquest lent procés m’ha ajudat a prendre decisions importants sobre els llenços. Per a mi, escriure és una eina excel·lent per observar el que pinto des d’una altra perspectiva.

Si podeu, veniu-hi. Us hi espero i m’encantaria saber què en penseu.

People of Facebook, if you are in Barcelona next December 17, please come at 6:30 pm at Casa dels Contes for the presentation of my novel "La nena del Socaire" (the clog maker's daughter). The writer and friend Matthew Tree will be presenting it and I will read some excerpts that he has chosen.
This short novel has been evolving over more than 30 years, in parallel with the work in my studio. This slow process has helped me make important decisions on the canvas. For me, writing is an excellent tool that allows me to look at painting from another perspective.
If you can, come. I look forward to seeing you there and would love to have your feedback.
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page 136-138.
This is a translation from Catalan of my novel La nena del socaire (the clog maker´s daughter). I hope you enjoy it! Please note that the book launch will take place on December 17th at 6:30 PM at La Casa dels Contes in Gràcia, Barcelona.
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