EVA BOSCH: Paintings 1980~2020
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Paintings 1980 – 2020

Extract from preface by Rafael Peñas Cruz

Her paintings are a raid into the unseen world of messy feelings and cryptic concepts. They depict the existential pains and sentimental heartaches behind our pleasures and joys. We can see in her images a reflection of our fears and desires. Like most Spanish art, hers is a lived one and not an intellectual abstraction. She studied art in Holland, and the Dutch tried in vain to tone down her visceral approach to life. She listened, learned and took on board whatever was of use to her, but she ultimately chose to ignore their advice. Eva´s joys and pains do not fit into a cold Mondrian conceptualisation. Like Goya´s, Eva´s art is soaked in flesh and blood. It is not concerned with existence as thought, but as experience.


The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology
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The Oxford Handbook of Light in Archaeology

Edited by Costas Papadopoulos and Holley Moyes
Oxford Handbooks

The first volume of its kind to address the impact and influence of light in different facets of archaeology, from myth and ritual to houses and museum exhibitions.

Combines theory and methodology from archaeology, anthropology, architecture, urban design, art, philology, and computer science.

Arranged in a thematic structure based on uses of light in different spatial contexts to allow quick reference to specific aspects of light in archaeology.

Richly illustrated throughout.
Cover photo by Eva Bosch.
Click here for PDF of my chapter.

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Dark Vales 

Author: Raimon Casellas
Translator: Alan Yates Edited by: Eva Bosch

The first English translation of a classic of fin de siècle Catalan literature.

The protagonist, Father Llatzer, a priest banished for doctrinal heresy to an isolated, backward mountain parish, struggles to achieve personal redemption by bringing salvation to his primitive, taciturn, rural flock. Their mute atavism is disturbed only by the local whore, Footloose, embodying all the forces against which the priest’s reforming mission is directed. Ambiguity surrounds the denouement of that conflict. Dark Vales is as as compelling today as when it was first written.
Eva Bosch - Foreigner
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Author: Eva Bosch

‘Foreigner’ is the intriguing account of a friendship between two young women (one Polish, the other Russian) who are trying to find their feet in the difficult and complex city that is London today. They find themselves having to deal as best they can with all kinds of problems, not least, the class differences between both themselves – they come from very different backgrounds – and their English boyfriends,one of whom is a lumpen lad from Liverpool and the other the wealthy son of a public-school educated father. The story is anything but static, moving from London to Algeria, Russia and France, and dealing with themes ranging from sexual abuse, the police murder of a Muslim and racism in general, to the evils of the British educational system.
Eva Bosch- 22 Poemes
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22 Poemes 

Author: Eva Bosch

Recull de 22 poemes escrits entre 1997 i 2018 al Figueró, Londres i al Maresme. No hi ha cap tema concret, més aviat són pensaments o reflexions inspirats per persones estimades i llocs importants per a mi. Les fotos daten des del 1995 fins ara. És un llibre fet per als amics i les persones que estimo. No té cap pretensió, a part de creure que potser a algú li agradarà.
La Nena Del Socaire
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La Nena Del Socaire

Author: Eva Bosch

La nena del socaire és un personatge fictici inspirat en les vivències de l’escriptora al seu poble natal i a Londres i Amsterdam. Escrita entre el 1989 i el 2022, la novel·la ha permès un desenvolupament profund del personatge al llarg de més de trenta anys. Igual que en el procés pictòric de l’autora, els personatges evolucionen, es transformen o desapareixen. Molt especialment, els personatges masculins són pre­sentats en la novel·la com a estereotips, imatges d’inves­tigació des del punt de mira de la protagonista; una dona que ha invertit la seva vida i el seu treball cercant sempre noves preguntes, no pas respostes. Ens diu sobre un dels quadres que es mencionen al llibre: «Podríem llegir-lo a partir del pas del temps. Capes i més capes i sempre cavant cap endins, és com entrar a la cova, descobrir alguna cosa nova. Buscant… i intentant trobar-hi sentit.» El llibre comença quan la protagonista torna a Barcelona i acaba amb un nou començament.

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